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Médaille d'Amour

Médaille d'Amour

A keepsake for the loved one since 1907

The Médaille d'Amour was born of the brilliant idea of jeweler Alphonse Augis to reinterpret the lines of Rosemonde Gérard's poem "Les Vieux", wife of the famous writer Edmond Rostand.

The Médaille d'Amour became the iconic jewel offered by lovers, a testament to first love as well as eternal love.

This symbolic medal quickly became a must-have and has stood the test of time. As famous as ever, it continues to make the Maison famous, marking generations of lovers.

Médaille d'Amour crafting

A french creation

The Médaille d'Amour was born in 1907, in the Lyon workshops of Maison A.Augis.

Its creator Alphonse Augis, son of the Maison's founder, then had the idea of transcribing the lines of a famous poem by Mme Rosemonde Gérard entitled "Les Vieux" dating from 1889, a true declaration of love to her husband Edmond Rostand.

"For you see every day I love you more, today more than yesterday and much less than tomorrow". The verses are transcribed in the form of a rebus "+ than yesterday - than tomorrow". Success was immediate. The gold Médaille d'Amour is worn by all lovers, who are delighted to display their great love around their necks.

Office Franck A.AUGIS

A beautiful testimony of Love

To express his gratitude to Mme Rostand (Mme Gérard from her maiden name), Alphonse Augis had two unique medals set with diamonds and covered with blue enamel made in his workshops.

Highly symbolic, the medal is surrounded by a wreath of ivy, ivy whose famous motto is "je meurs ou je m'attache", is held in the talons of an eaglet, recalling Edmond Rostand's great success.

The second copy of this magnificent medal, meanwhile, was presented by Alphonse Augis to his wife Antoinette Augis. A magnificent token of love from its creator!

Augis savoir-faire

An extraordinary boom

The Médaille d'Amour is the first secular medal dedicated to the celebration of feelings.

Maison A.Augis offers it in many different forms (traditional round medals with different diameters, a parchment-shaped model, a heart-shaped model...), without altering its essence.

Since 1907, Maison A.Augis has been the sole custodian of the Médaille d'Amour and its sole manufacturer. This "souvenir à l'aimée"as the Maison likes to call it, has even been advertised on television and exported to many countries : Italy, Spain, the UK, and even China and Japan !